Children’s Books
Virginia Lameda a teacher that utilizes the site recommended a link for me on helpful resources for people learning English. I felt that it was a worthwhile resource to share. So, if you are interested you can find a nice list of free printable children’s books at
Religious Books
I have one self published book at the present on Repentance. It is available for purchase at
Technical Books
I have finally completed my book “An Introduction to Parallel Programming” It is available in paperback and e-book format on Amazon and as a hardback at
If you are an instructor looking for an Introductory book on MPI programming, please feel free to e-mail or call me and I will be happy to get you a free copy of the book. All I expect in return is an honest review of the book.
Published Technical Articles
I have recently become the press contact for the Atos Quantum Learning Machine and Quantum Research program, as I result I wind up having many articles published in which I have been interviewed and quoted. Here are links to some of them.
12/3/2018 CMS Wire Quantum Computing Brings Potential and Risks to the Enterprise
10/22/2018 Why Large-Scale Quantum Simulators Matter
Quantum 2019 predictions
- NISQ technology will outperform classical processors in 2019
- The Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) technology that exists today are between 5 and 20 qubits. In 2019, they will be at a scale of 50-100 qubits. At this scale, the small-sized noisy quantum processor will outperform classical processors. This is a significant improvement as anything over 41 qubits is nearly impossible to simulate. In addition, this improvement will bring new applications, as we will be able to test them on a small scale in simulators and run them in larger scale on real processors.
- Quantum entanglement will better long-distance communications.
- In 2019, there will be advancements in telecommunications by utilizing quantum entanglement to better communicate over long distances with little loss in connection while operating at very high speeds.
- Sensor technology will tap quantum networks.
- In 2019, sensors will transition from transmitting data digitally to using the quantum networks for communication. Quantum entanglement research will also impact this area.