
So much has changed in my life since I last posted to this blog that I am not even sure I am the same person any more.  We are no longer in the children’s ministry at Licking Pentecostal Holiness church.  We have not been there for a few years now.  We followed the new path the Lord had for us and began attending a very small community church closer to our home. “Happy Hollow Full Gospel Mission”.  In the four years that we have been there, not only have we changed, but so has the little church we came to love. 

We have dropped the Happy Hollow from our name and are now simply “Full Gospel Mission”,  we are going through some rough times at the church and hoping to see some new growth.  We just completed an addition to the church for new Sunday school rooms and a fellowship hall and then we began to have members leave, for various reasons.  Some because God called them on to other places, others because of personal reasons.  For now, we are staying and waiting.

I also have a new job, I am no longer at Missouri University of Science and Technology, but I am working from home for a French based International Company where I design High Performance Computing systems and travel to trade shows, conferences, and customer sites all over North America. 

Last summer we purchased a 46 acre plot of woodlands in central Missouri and began build an off-grid A-frame home.  We have been working on it as much as the weather will permit.  We are building it without debt, so it is taking a lot longer than we would like, but when it is done we will own it free and clear.  I should be installing our battery system for the solar panels in the coming weeks, which will give us permanent power instead of living off a generator.

I am planning on post a lot more regularly, not only about my personal life, but about ministry, work, and living off grid.  You might say the site is going to become the ramblings of a man with too much to do, but wants to remember it all and share it with others.

Please let me know if you are following my blog by dropping me a line in the comments.

God Bless,

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