Earthquake!!!! Magnitude 4.6 :: 27 miles SE of Calexico, CA :: Fri Sep 5 21:54:34 2008 UTC

I am a member of a really neat list that monitors seismic events in Southern California. It is one of the many uses of the computational clusters that I have been supporting. Cal-tech uses their computational cluster to generate what they call shakemaps within minutes of an earthquake in Southern California they release a movie to geologists studying the basin that gives immediate feedback of the seismic activity. I just think weather and earthquake data is very exciting so I thought I would share it here. I am going to try and attach the movies to this post as well just for the fun of doing it.

These are movies of a 4.6 quake that occurred late on Friday.

There is new media now available for download on the recent seismic event:

ML: 4.6
27 miles SE of Calexico, CA
UTC: Fri Sep 5 21:54:34 2008
Latitude: 32.38
Longitude: -115.24

All movies for this event are available from:

The movies available include:



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Seismic Event Simulation Portal Notification System.


((( )))

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